Area of Learning and Experience: Digital Skills

Area of Learning and Experience Leader: Mr S Ellett

Vision for AoLE:
Give students the opportunity to gain skills, confidence and abilities to use ICT effectively to learn, communicate and create in order to prepare them for a technological world.

Curriculum Areas within the AoLE:
GCSE Digital Technology
GCSE Computer Science
Level 1/2 Vocational ICT
Digital Competency

Curriculum Information:

Digital Technology

The qualification will allow learners to develop their understanding of the range of digital technology systems at use in our connected and globalised society. It will also allow learners to explore the ever-evolving nature of digital technology systems and how these systems can be used productively, creatively and safely. This WJEC GCSE specification in Digital Technology will enable learners to:

  • become independent, confident and knowledgeable users of existing, new and emerging digital technologies

  • develop knowledge of different digital technology systems used across a range of occupational sectors

  • understand the impact digital technologies can have on individuals and wider society and the ways in which they can bring about change

  • develop skills in organising and analysing data to identify trends and audiences

  • become creators of digital products, in a variety of formats and for a variety of purposes, that meet specified, authentic needs

  • develop transferable skills in using a range of hardware and software

  • develop their understanding of the systems development life cycle and of how ideas can become products.

Computer Science

This specification promotes the integrated study of computer science. It will enable learners to develop a broad range of skills in the areas of programming, system development, computer architecture, data, communication and applications.

The subject content for GCSE Computer Science will be assessed across three units. Whist there is a degree of overlap between the content in Unit 1 and Unit 2, the context in which this content is assessed differs. In Unit 1, content is assessed in a theoretical way, whereas in Unit 2 it is assessed through its use within programs and algorithms. The non-exam assessment (NEA) is designed to assess a candidate’s ability toapply the knowledge and understanding gained from Units 1 and 2. Candidates willbe presented with a given scenario describing the requirements for a computer based solution. All work carried out for Unit 3 should be under teacher supervision, with no access to the Internet or email.

Digital Competency.

Digital competence is the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable the confident, creative and critical use of technologies and systems. It is the skill set that enables a person to be a confident digital citizen, to interact and collaborate digitally, to produce work digitally, and to be confident in handling data and computational thinking (problem solving).

Qualifications Offered and Examination Boards:

  • WJEC GCSE Digital Technology

  • WJEC GCSE Computer Science

  • WJEC level 1/2 Vocational Information and Communication Technology